Posts Tagged ‘summer’

August Farm Dinner

We are driving down the blacktop through the Minnesota country side, rolling past corn fields, red barns and pastures full of cows.  Clouds are threatening a little rain, but I’m hoping they will pass.  I’m looking up ahead for the road to the farm.  We finally turnoff onto a quiet dirt road, then pull into a grassy parking lot next to an old farm house and a very modern row of greenhouses.  Read more ›

How Does My Garden Grow

Summer is a blur.  When I started planting my garden in the spring, there was so much more time.  As long as the peas were in by April, tomatoes by end of May, I was in good shape.  Our spring was early here in Minneapolis, with us even seeing asparagus and herbs in early April.  May was full of lettuce, radishes, green onions and peas.  Read more ›

A chronicle of my adventures growing, preserving, cooking and eating from my garden and everywhere.
