Posts Tagged ‘pork belly’

Fresh Herb Bacon

When we got our half hog from Snake River Farm Minnesota, it came with the largest pork belly I’ve yet seen from our own pig.  This baby was 10 plus pounds, enough for two batches of bacon.  Yahoo!  I let the belly languish in my freezer for almost a year before finally hauling it out to defrost.  I tend to delay making bacon until the fall because there’s bacon, we eat it immediately. Read more ›

Honey Pepper Bacon

My immediate family comes together every two years for a week-long family vacation.  We hangout, we fish, we go on little adventures.  But the biggest thing we do is cook.  And of course eat.  The whole clan sits around a big table over a shared meal made from scratch almost every night.  Sunday was my day to cook, and for breakfast I made home-cured honey pepper bacon, with scratch sourdough pancakes.  Read more ›

A chronicle of my adventures growing, preserving, cooking and eating from my garden and everywhere.
