Posts Tagged ‘making jam’

Pluot Riesling Sangria and Jam

Pluots are a lovely plum/apricot hybrid stone fruit that pop up in markets in early to mid summer. More plum than apricot, they come in a wide variety of jeweled colors from black purple to pink to coral to yellow. The intensely sweet fruits hold up well in fruit salads, pies, and sangria. Oh, the sangria. And thus begins my story. Read more ›

Damson Plum Cheese

The Brits are crazy about fruit cheeses.  Most of the recipes you’ll find are from England, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.  Americans are most familiar with quince paste, which is also popular in Europe and South America, although even that is rather exotic in the USA.  It’s called “cheese” because you can slice it due to its hard-set consistency.  I’ve wanted to make it for quite some time, so after a lot of research and the appearance of Damson plums at my local co-op, I cooked up a batch. Read more ›

A chronicle of my adventures growing, preserving, cooking and eating from my garden and everywhere.
