Posts Tagged ‘wild mushrooms’

Chicken of the Woods Wild Mushrooms

Fall is a great time to forage Chicken of the Woods mushrooms.  The bright orange fan shaped mushroom grow like frilly shelves from the side of trees and stand out like a flag.  Last year we found a huge clutch of them exploding from a downed tree at Lake Maria State Park in Minnesota.   Read more ›

Hunting Morels

It’s a cool, rainy day.  We are in the wilderness, hiking through bushes and trees, noses down, eyes scanning the forest floor, hunting.  In my pocket is a knife, a net bag and hopefully, my car keys.  It’s not big game we are after, it’s mushrooms; specifically, the shy, elusive and delicious morel.  For two and a half hours we search, finding nothing but prickly ash, berry briars, ticks and poisonous fungus.  Read more ›