Posts Tagged ‘urban gleaning’

Much Ado About Mulberries

Mulberries have become part of the urban foraging scene, or gleaning as some folks call it.  I’ve never understood how mulberries earned their bad rap.  Mulberries are classified as “trash” trees that make a mess and have no good purpose.  But I’ve always liked them.  Read more ›

Foraged Burdock Part Deux

In my previous post on foraging burdock, I talked about harvesting the roots.  Now it’s time to forage the new stalks that shoot up from the plant in their second year, before they flower.  I harvested the burdock from an empty city lot next to the fledgeling Greenleaf Community Garden, where my partner has a plot.  Read more ›

What’s Up Burdock?

Foraging for burdock root has been on my radar for a while.  I love the idea of foraging for mushrooms, vegetables and fruit, particularly within the urban area of Minneapolis.  It’s a basic skill that I’ve wanted to further develop to take advantage of ultra local resources.  Read more ›

A chronicle of my adventures growing, preserving, cooking and eating from my garden and everywhere.
