Pluot Riesling Jam Recipe


— By Tammy Kimbler


5 c chopped Pluots
1 c sweet Riesling
1/4 c gin
3 limes
2 c sugar
1 box low sugar pectin


If make Pluot Riesling Sangria first and use leftover fruit, skip to the macerating part and go right to adding sugar and pectin.

Combine Pluots, riesling, gin and the juice of the three limes in a container.  Allow macerate overnight.

The next day, prepare 5 pint jars and lids in a boiling water bath.  Bring the macerated fruit and juice to a low simmer.  Combine sugar and pectin, then add to the fruit.  Bring to a full rolling boil (one you can’t stir down), stirring constantly.  Boil until jam begins to “sheet” when dripped from the end of a spoon.  Sheeting is when two drops cling together forming a thin sheet of jam that is thick and syrupy.  Pour jam in to jars, wipe the rims, add the lids and procession in a boiling water bath for five minutes.  Allow to cool on a rack or towel.  Makes 5 pints.

Related Blog Post: Pluot Riesling Sangria and Jam
A chronicle of my adventures growing, preserving, cooking and eating from my garden and everywhere.
