Infused Vinegar Recipe


— By Tammy Kimbler

This is barely a recipe and more of guide to infusing any kind of vinegar. 


1 part fresh herbs, edible flowers, chopped fruit and/or vegetables
1 part white, white wine, champagne, red, balsamic, rice or other vinegar


Here are a few ideas for infused vinegars: Chive blossoms, basil, mint, thyme, strawberry, raspberry, fennel, rhubarb, rose petal, peach, sun dried tomato, hot chili pepper (hot!), etc.

Fill a clean glass vessel with your choice of flavorings.  Dried also works, but used 1/4 of the amount.  Cover with vinegar, pressing down so the ingredients are submerged.  Top with a lid and store in a cool, dark place for at least a week.  Strain, if desired, or leave the ingredients in for a stronger flavor.

Use in salads, sauces, to finish pan drippings or in cocktails as a sour agent.

Related Blog Post: Chive Blossom Vinegar Recipe