A chronicle of my adventures growing, preserving, cooking and eating from my garden and everywhere.

Scratch Tahini Recipe

By Tammy Kimbler


1lb organic sesame seeds (next time I’m trying the black ones!)

course grey sea salt

extra virgin olive oil

toasted sesame oil


This recipe is very free-form and can be adjusted to taste as you go. I made mine very “toasty” in flavor.  Start by gently toasting your sesame seeds in a dry pan.  They burn easily so when you smell them, they’re done.  Pour the seeds in a food processor along with 1 tsp of salt to start.  I like the mineral qualities of course grey sea salt. Turn the processor on high, then slowly add olive oil.  I added about 3/4 of a cup for a very thick paste.  If you like it thinner, add more oil.  I processed my paste for a good 10 minutes.  Check for seasoning.  At the end I added 1 tbs toasted sesame oil.  Store in the refrigerator. 

I also like to use mine on toast with salt and honey.  Try it, it’s addictive!

Known to many for my incredible ability to organize, I tackle gardening and life with equal verve.  Obsessive, is that a bad thing?

All content on this website is copyright Tammy Kimbler, unless otherwise noted.  All rights reserved.