A chronicle of my adventures growing, preserving, cooking and eating from my garden and everywhere.

Known to many for my incredible ability to organize, I tackle gardening and life with equal verve.  Obsessive, is that a bad thing?


Deviled Pickled Eggs Recipe

By Tammy Kimbler & Molly McNeil


1/2 cup cider vinegar

2/3 cup water

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp brown mustard seeds

1/2 tsp yellow mustard seeds

1/2 tsp black pepper corns

1/4 tsp chili flakes

small bunch fresh dill

2 red onion rounds

4 hard boiled duck eggs or 6 hard boiled chicken eggs, peeled

Asian Pickled Eggs Recipe

By Tammy Kimbler & Molly McNeil


1/2 cup rice wine vinegar (unsweetened)

1/2 cup water

1/4 cup white granulated sugar

1/2 tsp salt

1tbs honey

1 tbs dark soy sauce

1/2 tsp sichuan pepper corns, crushed

1 tsp black sesame seeds

1 tsp green coriander seed (from a cilantro plant) or regular dried coriander seed

2 springs thai basil

2 cloves garlic, crushed

4 hard boiled duck eggs or 6 hard boiled chicken eggs, peeled

Turkish Pickled Eggs Recipe

By Tammy Kimbler & Molly McNeil


1/2 cup white wine vinegar

1/2 cup water

1/4 cup white granulated sugar

1/2 tsp salt

pinch saffron

1" stick cinnamon, crumbled

1 tsp cumin seed

2 red onion rounds

2 bay leaves

2 small dried chili peppers

4 hard boiled duck eggs or 6 hard boiled chicken eggs, peeled


Add spices, vegetables, flavorings and herbs to the bottom of a pint jar, a separate jar for each recipe.  Layer in eggs.  Combine vinegar, water, sugars and salt, stirring to dissolve.  Add brine to the jar, removing any air bubbles.  Top with lid and refrigerate for at least one to two weeks.  The longer they sit, the better they taste. Recipes can easily be doubled for quart jars.

All content on this website is copyright Tammy Kimbler, unless otherwise noted.  All rights reserved.