2 lbs Damson or other plums
2 Meyer lemons
1 cup water
1.5 lbs sugar
4 straight sided, widemouth pint jars or 8-4 oz jars
Seed and roughly chopped the fruit. Add to a heavy, non-reactive pot along with Meyer lemon zest, juice and water. Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, sterilize the jars for 10 minutes in boiling water.
Puree the fruit in a blender until smooth. Return to the pot and add the sugar. Bring to a boil, then simmer for up to 1 hour, stirring often. When you can run a wooden spoon across the bottom of the pan and briefly see the metal, it’s done. The mixture may reduce by as much as half and be quite thick. The goal is to produce a hard-set jam that stands up straight when un-molded. It’s much stiffer than regular pectin-set jam.
Pour jam into jars, wipe rims well with a damp towel, and top with hot ring top lids. Process for 10 minutes in a boiling water bath for pints or 5 minutes for 4 oz jars.