Coffee Liqueur Recipe


— By By Tammy Kimbler

Adapted from this magical House of Brinson recipe.

This recipe requires 3-4 weeks of infusing time, so start now!


6 oz whole dark roast coffee beans 
3 c vodka (inexpensive is totally OK)

1 1/4 c freshly brewed coffee
1 1/4 c sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbs dark rum


Combine 6 oz of whole, dark roast coffee beans (about 1.5 to 2 cups, depending on the beans) with the vodka in a glass container. Cover and let infuse for 3-4 weeks.

Strain the vodka coffee bean mixture through a coffee filter and set aside. 

Combine the freshly brewed coffee and sugar in a small sauce pan.  Heat until sugar is dissolved in the coffee. 

In a glass bottle or jar, combine vodka coffee, coffee syrup, vanilla and rum.  

To use, pour a shot over ice, with or without a little half and half, add a glug to your coffee (hot or iced), hot chocolate or hot toddy, and just generally enjoy the heck out of it all year long.

Related Blog Post: Coffee Liqueur Cures What Ails You
A chronicle of my adventures growing, preserving, cooking and eating from my garden and everywhere.
